
Hosted Dinners

At least once a year we hold a high-level hosted dinner which gives our members a chance to meet with the President and senior team of a network or studio.

Women’s Brunch

Held in March during Women’s History Month, this event features a panel of successful creative or executive talent who deliver insights to our female Executive and Associate members.

Men’s Grill ‘N Chill

A casual summer event for men only, this event brings together an A-list speaker with our Associates group for a fireside chat with a Q & A.

Networking Mixers

Regular mixers for our TV, Film, and Associates members are held three to four times a year.

Inside Look Series

Organized by the Associates group, our Inside Look series takes us behind the scenes of the major studios in Hollywood, and the content they create. A screening followed by an in depth Q & A with the creative team give our members a chance to hear the story behind the story of the industry’s new releases.

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